HOT HOT HOT!today is a hot and windy day,lol.too bad the wind cant cool us down.oh freak!Science TEacher was so kind to us today,no lesson on how to be a fast writer was on today!!all he asked us to do was just to copy one slide:)better den 7-10..ahahrs,Sophia is Sick,im SICK!the flu bug is on sia!lol,learnt abt wad HIV-Human Immune Virus-could do to us if we have it,and i am not gonna have sexual intercourse underage sia!!!@!@!!@!@!:)lol,am having my hair tied up now,bloody hot lahs!Abel has carried her babies away again,wads her effing problem!??!okays,it just poured heavily from like 3-07p.m to short,damn it sia!i really hate it that im afraid of VB balls being spiked at me...okays,smtimes the phobia isn't there cos the person spiking the ball to me probably always spikes without using much strength...okays,am back!just went to my neighbour's house to help rescue the babies from the rain in the drain:)gtg.
if i keep praying for it to snow in S-pore,nothing would rite?hahahrs.
shit!there's smthing wrong wif uploading the pictures,so read from bottom to top,thks:)